Monday, May 08, 2006

Detainees and how to help.

With the arrest of ten (10) other Egyptian Citizens on May 7th, including prominent Egyptian blogger and activist Alaa, of, Egyptian bloggers and patriots have moved in an attempt to free the illegaly detained activists. The following are the relevant links that you can follow in order to take positive steps towards pressuring the Egyptian government into releasing all the Detainees.

Original Issue.

More background information (arabic).

Free Droubi on the issue (including Statement from the Detainees).

Manal and Alaa's Blog with steps to take.

Egyptian Sandmonkey's Post with templates for letters and additional information.

Al-Masry Al-Yoam on the issue (arabic).

Free Droubi asks all those who live outside, and inside, of Egypt follow the above links and take all possible steps and exert all possible effort for the release of the Detainees.

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As always, Free Droubi would like to thank all Friends that have contributed through art work, first-hand accounts, statements, information or otherwise. Free Droubi welcomes any endeavour in the campaign to release Ahmed Yasser El Droubi and all other detainees of the Egyptian State Security.

Detainees incarcerated for another Fifteen Days.

Today, Ahmed Yasser El Droubi and the eleven detainees of Monday the 26th of April have had their incarceration period in prison extended for another fifteen (15) days.

Free Droubi has also learnt that the prison administration has begun to actively hassle and mistreat the detainees. Sources tell Free Droubi that this began about 3-4 days ago. The Detainees had their heads shaved, against their will, in addition to being placed in cells with convicted criminals (crimes related to drugs and murder) who possess weapons and have threatened the Detainees. More on this in the Detainees' Statement.

Alarmingly, the prison administration has also consistently delayed the process of delivering much-needed insulin, and food, to Ahmed El Droubi. As is medically known, such steps constitute a clear and obvious threat to Ahmed's life, considering his medical condition.

Free Droubi will attempt to publish more information on the issue as the information comes in.

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As always, Free Droubi would like to thank all Friends that have contributed through art work, first-hand accounts, statements, information or otherwise. Free Droubi welcomes any endeavour in the campaign to release Ahmed Yasser El Droubi and all other detainees of the Egyptian State Security.